The Exploration of the Chinese College Studets' Help-Seeking and Receiving Processes
心理求助歷程的探討包括八個方面:(1)對心理問題的歸因方式,(2) 醫療體系的選用,(3)心理動力因素的影響,(4)對精神病人的態度,(5)社會支持,(6)對國人使用心理輔導此項服務的能度及個人使用意願 (7)求助途徑,(8)上述各變項間的關係之探討。
615 Chinese college students from ten universities in Taiwan were studied. Twenty demographic characteristics were the independent variables.
Eight dependent measures (including a social desirability scale) were used to study college students’ help-seeking processes. The dependent variables were: (a) students’ ways of interpreting psychological problems, (b) selection of healing systems, (c) attitudes and personal propensity toward counseling use, (d) underlying psychodynamics, (e) attitudes toward the mentally-ill, (f) social support, and (g) help-seeking pathways. The relationships among these factors were also studied.