Conceptual Model of Psychiatry—Evalutionary Model & Psychiatric Disorders
Psychiatry has been lack of a comprehensive, flexible conceptual model of psychiatric disorder, with operationalized constructs. After examining twelve models of psychiatry critically, the empirical data including genetic, biological, psychological, familial, sociocultural aspects, relevent to psychiatry (or psychopathology) were collected and grouped by the constructs of predisposing factors (genetic, environmental biological and chronic psychosocial factors), intervening factor (biological trait marker, personality trait and social-adjustment functions), precipitating factors (acute biological insult, acute psychosocial stress, social support system), original disease state, clinical disease state, prognostic state and psychosocial factors related to clinical course. By the time factor all these variables were connected into a coherent and meaning system with attempt to elicit the causal-effect relationship. This was called as the evolutionary model of psychiatry. This model was designed to be workable for theoretical development, clinical service, research and teaching purposes. A comprehensive psychiatric data system was constructed for this evolutionary model of psychiatry.