The Association between Thought-Action Fusion and the HEXACO Model
何雪綾(Hsueh-Lin Ho);吳治勳(Chih-Hsun Wu);范姜群兆(Chun-Jaw Fan Chiang);吳英璋(Yin-Chang Wu)
關鍵詞 Key words : 想法行動融合;HEXACO人格模式;thought-action fusion;HEXACO model
研究目的:想法行動融合(Thought action fusion,簡稱TAF)描述個人將「腦中產生某些強迫意念」與「做出那些意念中包含的、卻是個人極力避免之行為」視為等同。此現象最初見於強迫症想法行動融合、HEXACO人格模式患者,是種負向情緒狀態下的認知扭曲現象。過去研究多從認知歷程角度探討,未有從人格傾向的角度了解此現象。本研究將採用HEXACO人格理論模式評量人格特質,並探討其對TAF的解釋力。研究方法:於2011年9月間收集242位大學生(女性佔49.17%)的TAFS繁體中文版、HEXACO-60中文版、BDI-II中文版資料,以階層迴歸探討HEXACO六種人格因素對三種TAF的解釋力。研究結果:控制性別及憂鬱情緒的效果後,HEXACO人格因素對三種TAF均可增加顯著解釋力(道德性TAF:15.69%;可能性(他人)TAF:5.71%;可能性(自己)TAF:4.19%)。於六種人格因素中,情緒性可顯著解釋三種TAF;誠實-謙遜可顯著解釋道德性TAF;開放性可顯著解釋可能性(自己)TAF。研究結論:(1)由HEXACO人格模式的演化理論觀點,TAF反映了個人對生存、自我保護展現的過度努力,其中道德性TAF可視為個人於低威脅情境下對規則破壞及可能損失的預先因應。(2)由開放性與可能性(自己)TAF的負相關可推論「想法的威脅性」是後續進一步探討可能性(自己)TAF的角度。
Purpose: Thought action fusion (TAF) is a phenomenon wherein individuals think that having certain thoughts is the same as having performed the actions in those thoughts. TAF was first observed in patients with obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD). It may be a cognitive bias that presents itself in negative emotional states. Although several studies have examined the underlying cognitive processes, few studies have focused on the effect of personality factors on the presentation of TAF. The current study uses the HEXACO personality model to evaluate personality traits and investigate their ability to predict TAF. Methods: A total of 242 Taiwanese undergraduate students completed the Thought- Action Fusion Scale (traditional Chinese version), the HEXACO-60 (Chinese version), and the Beck Depression Inventory-II (Chinese version) in September, 2011. After controlling for the effects of gender and depressive states, hierarchical linear regression was used to examine the predicative ability of the 6 HEXACO personality traits for the three subtypes of TAF. Results: Hierarchical linear regression analyses showed that after the effects of gender and depressive states were controlled, the HEXACO model provided significant incremental explanatory power for the variance of all three subtypes of TAF: 15.69% for moral TAF, 5.71% for likelihood-other TAF, and 4.19% for likelihood-self TAF. Of the 6 personality factors, "Emotionality" was the only one that significantly predicted all three TAF subtypes. The "Honesty-Humility" factor significantly predicted moral TAF, and the "Openness to Experience" factor predicted likelihood-self TAF. Conclusions: (1) From the perspective of the HEXACO model, TAF could be an over-presentation of one’s striving for survival. Individuals with higher "Honesty-Humility", which was related to moral TAF in this study, tend to not exploit others, even when facing temptations of gain. Thus, moral TAF could also be understood as prospective coping, or overly-applied prospective coping when the possibility of the threat being realized is very low. (2) The finding that "Openness to Experience" negatively correlated with likelihood-self TAF suggests that the "threat of thought" should be a focus of further study.