A Study on the Process of How Learning Buddhist Doctrine Influences Spiritual Health
洪櫻純(Ying-Tsun Hung)
關鍵詞 Key words : 靈性健康;終極目標;生命意義;締結;佛教;spiritual health;ultimate goal;purpose and meaning in life;interconnection;Buddhism
研究目的:靈性健康是一種自我、他人、超自然、終極對象之間的和諧狀態,讓人迎向終極目標和有意義生活的實現。本研究希望探究佛教徒在學習佛法之後對於靈性健康影響的歷程,了解個人生命的轉變、如何在生活中提升靈性健康的方法與策略。研究方法:本研究採用深度訪談的方式,共訪問11位佛教徒,4位男性、7位女性,年齡從31~73歲,平均學佛9年,探究他們提升靈性健康的歷程。資料分析採用Van Manen(1997)主題分析法,反覆閱讀逐字稿後,加以歸納分類,直到萃取重要概念,足以回應研究目的與問題。研究結果:受訪對象的靈性健康深受佛教「生命無限」及「業果法則」的影響,以「成佛」為人生的終極目標。生命重心轉向以心靈為主、物質為輔的簡樸生活,邁向自利利他的成佛之道,並呼應「天人物我」和諧的觀點。換言之,個人與萬事萬物相互依存,亦是因緣和合的締結關係,靈性健康由此開展,「超越性」串連了個人、他人、社群及環境的面向。從擔任志工、靜坐、學佛過程中改變自己的習氣,練習慈悲心和感恩心,從代人著想、放下自我執著、學習付出大愛,提升自我靈性健康。研究結論:靈性健康並非恆常不變的狀態,個人會隨重大事件以及擔任志工的過程中,觀照自己的起心動念,從沉澱、放空、紮根、締結的歷程中,將佛法應用於日常生活中,以建立大我的生命格局。
Purpose: From a holistic view, a person is a whole being. Affective, cognitive, and physical elements are integrated. Spirituality is perceived as a unifying force within individuals; it integrates all other dimensions (physical, Mental, emotional, and social) and plays a vital role in determining the state of well-being of the individual. Spiritual health is defined as a harmonious interconnection of self, others, nature, and ultimate other. The spiritual dimension of health is based on 4 aspects: unifying interconnection, innerness, purpose and meaning in life, and transcendence. The purpose of this research is to explore how learning Buddhist doctrine influences spiritual health. Methods: Eleven Buddhists (4 male and 7 female, age range 31 to 73 yearn) were interviewed to understand how they fostered their spiritual health. All participants bad studied Buddhist doctrine for about 9 years. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis (Van Manen, 1997). Results: The ultimate goal for these participants was to become a Buddha in their endless lives, which was also the concept that most influenced them. To achieve this goal they tried to help others without hope of reward. Their spiritual journey was like 4 seasons (Seaward, 2003, 2005); they leaned from centering, emptying, grounding, and connecting. They did volunteer work, meditation, read doctrines and worked on correcting their bad habits. Cultivating compassion and gratitude were useful strategies for them in enhancing their spiritual health. In order to achieve transcendence, they toed to narrow their self and learn to give Big Love. Their life meaning was transformed and their spiritual health was enhanced. Conclusions: Transcendence can be learned by practice, especially by helping others. Spiritual health for Buddhists means being able to go beyond ego to create a beneficial and balanced life.