The Ecological Validity of the Constructs of Identity Importance, Identity Firmness, and Identity Discrepancy: The Therapeutic Effect of the Adolescent Individual Identity Intervention Program
陳坤虎(Kun-Hu Chen);雷庚玲(Keng-Ling Lay);宋維村(Wei-Tsuen Soong);吳英璋(En-Chang Wu)
關鍵詞 Key words : 認同重要性;認同確定性;認同落差;生態效度;介入方案;identity importance;identity firmness;identity discrepancy;ecological validity;intervention program
研究目的:Erik Erikson的心理社會發展理論以「自我認同」為青少年期最重要的發展要務。Erikson並冀望能將認同概念用以解釋心理病理的發展。過去研究已釐清了認同重要性、認同確定性、及認同落差的概念及每個向度中的認同內容(個人認同、社會認同、形象認同),及描述其發展現象,同時也探討了這些認同概念及內容與身心健康的關係。為進一步將這些認同概念落實於幫助青少年之認同發展及身心健康,並檢驗認同重要性、確定性、落差等三概念之生態效度,本研究設計了一套融合認同概念與認知行為治療的個別介入方案。研究方法:本研究以向學校輔導中心求助的8位及12位大學生為治療組及流失組的樣本來源,進行「青少年自我認同個別介入方案」。研究結果:研究結果大體顯示,「治療組」在三項認同確定性、三項認同落差,及心理健康指標上皆有進步。「治療組」於介入方案結束後在多項心理健康指標上甚至還優於「常模組」。研究結論:此結果顯示此介入方案確實能改善青少年的自我認同及身心健康,然而其持續效果或對不同問題的適用性仍需未來研究進一步探討。
Purpose: Erik Erikson postulated that identity formation is the most important developmental task during adolescence. Erikson was also particularly interested in relating identity formation to developmental psychopathology. Our previous studies, which apply the Eriksonian framework, have been devoted to differentiating the measurements of identity importance, identity firmness, and identity discrepancy as well as their aspects in personal, social, and image identity. The developmental trend (Chen, Lay, & Wu, 2005) as well as the relations between the three identity concepts and mental health (Chen, Lay, & Wu, 2003a, b; Chen, Lay, Wu, & Yao, 2007) have also been documented. The goal of the present study is to develop a self-identity intervention program to promote adolescent positive mental health. Methods: The Adolescent Individual Identity Intervention Program (AIIIP) combines the three identity concepts with cognitive behavioral therapy. We administered the AIIIP to a high-risk college sample (the treatment group) of 8 college students (5 males & 3 females, mean age = 22.61) who solicited help from two university student counseling centers (mean number of therapeutic sessions = 10.55, range = 8-14). To verify the manipulation effect and evaluate the therapeutic outcome, we compared the identity concepts and mental health indices before and after treatment with indices from two other samples. Specifically, the drop-out group consisted of 12 students (5 males & 7 females, mean age = 22.99) who had solicited help from the same counseling centers but did not finish all AIIIP sessions. The normal group consisted of 272 college students (103 males & 169 females, mean age = 20.54) from the general population of the same universities. Results: The analysis of the manipulation effect demonstrated that in the treatment group, personal identity firmness significantly increased and all three aspects of identity discrepancy decreased after completion of the AIIIP. Examination of the therapeutic effect revealed that the score of Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale significantly increased, and almost all indices of psychological symptoms indicated in SCL-90R improved after completion of the AIIIP. The treatment group’s scores after attending the AIIIP were even marginally significantly better than the normal group on several indices of mental health (e.g., somatization, OCD, interpersonal sensitivity). Conclusions: The AIIIP is effective in facilitating adolescent self-identity as well as positive mental health. The maintenance effect of the AIIIP and its application to different psychological problems remain to be examined in future studies.